lets build the better world togther
Making a daily donation towards food and water provision for the kids helps to supply a free meal to all or any children at the college and a second meal for the neediest. Pupils at the faculties come from the poorest families within the slum – and most of these children eat just the once a day; sometimes they are going an entire day with nothing to eat. Your sponsorship will help hungry children enjoy a faculty meal day by day. The food is that the same a day… posho and beans.
Helping Ugandans: 67% of Ugandans are either poor or highly vulnerable, with deprivation rates over average in rural areas
Making a daily donation towards food and water provision for the kids helps to supply a free meal to all or any children at the college and a second meal for the neediest
Investing in education: Education is that the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.
donating to the youngsters helps girls and boys living in poverty in Uganda
The little help you give can brighten ones future